28M Abdominal migraine 1 month, Headache 2 years, piles, past bronchial asthma WB PaJR
রোগীর বয়স ২৮ বছর।
পেটের সমস্যা, ১০-১৫ দিন ধরে কিছু খেতে পারছে না, শক্ত কিছু খেলে ব্যথা শুরু হয়, জন্ডিস আছে, রোদে গেলেই অস্বস্তি হয় চোখে অন্ধকার দেখে । পায়খানা প্রচন্ড শক্ত হয়ে গেছে ফলের পায়খানা করতে রক্ত আসে দিনে দিনে দুর্বল হয়ে যাচ্ছে যাচ্ছে খাবার রুচি নাই।
রোগী ইতিহাস পাওয়া যাচ্ছে তাতে দেখা যাচ্ছে পাঁচ বছর আগে ওর শ্বশুর বাড়িতে হঠাৎ প্রচন্ড শ্বাসকষ্ট শুরু হয় তারপর অক্সিজেন দেওয়ার পর হসপিটালে মোটামুটি সুস্থ হয়। তার কিছুদিন বাদে থেকেই মাঝে মাঝে মাথা ব্যথা শুরু হয় যেটা এখনো চলছে। এরপরই দেখা দেয় পেটের সমস্যা।
নেশা বলতে সামান্য খৈনি মাঝে মাঝে পান-শুপুরি খাওয়ার অভ্যাস আছে।
01/07/2024, 09:22 - Meta AI: Thank you for sharing this information. It appears to be a medical history of a 28-year-old male patient in Bengali. I'll try to summarize the key points:
- The patient has been experiencing abdominal problems for 10-15 days, with difficulty eating and pain after consuming solid food.
- He has jaundice, and his stool is very hard, leading to rectal bleeding.
- He has a history of sudden severe respiratory distress five years ago, which improved with oxygen therapy.
- He has been experiencing intermittent headaches since then, which are still ongoing.
- He occasionally consumes small amounts of tobacco and pan-shupuri (a type of betel leaf).
01/07/2024, 09:38 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : Report shob normal dekhchi
Pet byathar bistarito history tar jonye kichu proshno rakhchi
All the reports seems to be normal, to know more about his abdominal pain want to raise some questions
01/07/2024, 09:38 - Patient Advocate27M Abdominal Migraine: কালকে ট্রেন থেকে নামার পর পাকা আম খেয়েছে তাতেও পেটে পছন্দ বেটা হচ্ছে।
ভাত তো খেতেই পারছে না।এ
এক সপ্তাহ ধরে শুধূ জল খেয়ে আছে।
Yesterday night , after Got off the train he ate Ripe mango , for this he is having too much pain.
Can not eat rice, from one week he is drinking water only .
01/07/2024, 10:50 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: এখন কি খাবে একটু বললে ভালো হত।
Now what will he eat please suggest
01/07/2024, 10:52 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: এখন বিছানা থেকে ঠিকমত উঠতে পারছে না একা।
He cannot get out of the bed alone properly
01/07/2024, 10:53 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: এইখান থেকে হাসপাতাল যেতে সময় লাগবে তিন ঘন্টা তো কখন যাবে উনি ক টার সময় , একটু বললে ভালো হতো স্যার
From his location it will take 3 hours to reach hospital, so when will he go?
01/07/2024, 10:54 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: কালকেই যেতে চাইছে আরর ভালো লাগতেছে না ।
নিজের কষ্ট হচ্ছে হচ্ছে বাড়ির লোগো টেনশন করতেছে সবাই
He wants to go tomorrow, not feeling well, the family members are worried
01/07/2024, 10:55 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : Adhikangsho report dekhchi March a unar matha byathar jonye korano
Bortoman somosya holo unar pet byatha
All the reports are for his headache problem, now the main problem is his stomach ache
01/07/2024, 10:57 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: হ্যাঁ ঠিক তাই আর কিছু খেতে পারছে না আর পায়খানা করলে পায়খানার সঙ্গে ব্লাড আসে
Yes, and can not eat anything, and blood comes with his stool
01/07/2024, 10:59 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: আর aএকটা কথা রুদ্রে বেরোতে paren না প্রচন্ড রোদ উঠলে মাথা গরম ঘুরে আর ঝিমঝিম করে চোখের মধ্যে কিরকম জোনাকি পোকার মতো dekhe একটা চশমা nieche চেঞ্জার চশমাটা দিয়ে বের হলে আবার ঠিক আছে চশমা ছাড়া বেরোতেই parena।
One more thing, he can not stay under the sun, under the scorching sun he feels like fainting, he feels like some fireflies are moving. He has a changer lense , without this lense he can not go outside in the sun
01/07/2024, 11:07 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : আপনার রোগীর সমস্যা সম্পর্কে আপনি যা শেয়ার করেছেন তা পড়ার পরে আমরা যা বুঝতে পারি, তিনি 2024 সালের মার্চের আগে একই ধরণের সমস্যায় ভুগছেন বলে মনে হচ্ছে?
From what we understand after reading what you shared about your patient's problem, he seems to be suffering from the same problem before March 2024?
আপনি কি দয়া করে শেয়ার করতে পারেন যে কোন তারিখে আপনার রোগী একেবারে ঠিক ছিল যখন তার অন্য কোন সমস্যা ছিল না?
Can you please share on which date your patient was absolutely fine when he had not any other problem?
01/07/2024, 11:08 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: না
01/07/2024, 11:22 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : @PAJR MEMBER 1 Would you have the time to make a WhatsApp call to this patient's advocate @PAJR MEMBER 2 @PAJR MEMBER 1and share more insights into his headache and abdominal symptoms since March 2024?
There's an interesting condition called abdominal epilepsy that he may fit into
01/07/2024, 11:45 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine added +91 89181 13414
01/07/2024, 12:03 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: পাঁচ বছর আগে মাথা ঘোরা হয়েছিল তারপরে শ্বাসকষ্ট হয়েছিল হওয়ার পরে কিছুদিন পর থেকে মাথাব্যথা শুরু করে মাথা ব্যথার পর এই মলয় চক্রবর্তী স্যার এর কাছে গিয়েছিলাম যাওয়ার পরে ডাক্তারবাবু রিপোর্ট করে বলেছিল যে onar মাথায় নাকি ব্লাড জমেছে তারপরে সে ওষুধ খাওয়ার পরে কিছুদিন পর থেকে দিন দিন খাওয়ার রুচি কমে যাচ্ছে আর খাইতে parche না ঠিকমতো মোটামুটি কুড়ি পঁচিশ দিন আগে থেকে একদম কিছু খাইতে parche না এখন তো শুধু জল ছাড়া কিছুই খাইতে parche না আর আমি আগামীকাল সকাল বেলা যাবো এখান থেকে।
5 years ago he had dizziness and had shortness of breath, after that started headache . Then he went to Dr Malay Chakraborty sir , and the doctor said Blood clotted in the head , after taking medicine his food taste has gone and had no interest in food , can not eat anything. From 20- 25 days he is not eating and taking only water. He will go to the hospital tomorrow morning
01/07/2024, 12:25 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : Kone oshudh khawar por ruchi kome jacche?
Otar chobi share korun
From which medicine he has lost food taste and interest in food please share the picture
01/07/2024, 14:46 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: সেটা তো ঠিক বুঝতে PARCHE NA, কিন্তু দিন দিন খাবার রুচি কমে যাচ্ছে
He didn't know properly, but the food taste has god day by day
27M Abdominal Migraine: কাল সকাল বেলা আপনার হাসপাতালে আসছে
He is coming to your hospital tomorrow morning
01/07/2024, 16:27 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Thik ache
01/07/2024, 16:27 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Eta bondho kore dewa jete pare
This medication may be discontinued
01/07/2024, 16:28 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Etao bondho kore din
This one also can be discontinued
01/07/2024, 16:28 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Etao ordhek kore khaan
This one may be taken half
01/07/2024, 16:29 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Je oshudh gunor chobi pathalen eguno apnar patient kabe theke khacchen?
From when he is taking these above mentioned medicines?
01/07/2024, 16:38 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: গত চার মাস ধরে KHACCHE
From 4 months
01/07/2024, 16:41 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Char maash aage ki ki koshter jonye apnar patient tokhon daktar dekhiyechilen?
4 years ago for which reason your patient has gone to the doctor?
01/07/2024, 16:44 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: শুধু মাথা ব্যাথা করত আর ওই রোদ্রে গেলে একটু মাথা ঘোরা ঘোরা ভাব হতো মাথা যখন ব্যাথা করত তখন স্থির থাকতে parto না মাথায় জোরে জোরে আঘাত করলে ভালো লাগে। লাগালে মানে বাড়ি দিলে ঠিক আছে তাহলে না হলে স্থির থাকতে parena
Then he had only severe headache, could not stay longer under the sun , had dizziness under the sun, only used to get relief by hitting on the head with hand, otherwise he couldn't stay calm
01/07/2024, 16:52 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Maatha byatha ta ko bochor dhore shuru hoyeche?
From how many days the headache has started
Koto din aage apnar patient sompoorno shushtho chilen?
How many days ago your patient was alright
01/07/2024, 16:52 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: এই দু বছর আগে মাথা ব্যাথা শুরু হয়েছে তার তিন বছর আগে শ্বাসকষ্ট হয়েছিল
From 2 years the headache has started, and before that 3 years ago the shortness of breath happened
01/07/2024, 18:12 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine:হায়দ্রাবাদের পাঠান চুরু এলাকায় ache ।এখান থেকে শর্ট কোন রাস্তা থাকলে বললে ভাল হয়। এখানকার তো কিছু chene না। থাকলে লোকেশন একটু পাঠিয়ে দিলে ভালো হতো স্যার।
He is now at PATHAN CHURU locality. From here please suggest any shorter road. He doesn't know anything. Please share the location .
01/07/2024, 18:59 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: @pajrmember 3 This long distance patient's advocate @pajrmember4 needs to reach our hospital and is currently in Patancheru. Can you guide him how to reach here?
@pajrmember5 Can you share the location of our hospital from your phone here
01/07/2024, 19:02 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences
NH-65 Vijayawada - Hyderabad Hwy
01/07/2024, 19:03 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: https://maps.app.goo.gl/iSR2zQhUQQCecsGp8
02/07/2024, 08:54 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: স্যার আমি হাসপাতালে যাওয়ার জন্য বের হয়েছি।গাড়িতে উঠেছি। আধাঘন্টা হয়ে গেল গাড়িতে ওঠার।
Sir we have set off our journey to hospital. Half an hour passed.
02/07/2024, 09:17 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Ami OPD te thakbo
I will be in OPD
02/07/2024, 13:22 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: স্যার uni হাসপাতালের নিচে ache। এক নাম্বার গেটের সামনে
Sir he is standing under the hospital, infront of Gate no 10
2/07/2024, 13:41 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: স্যার uni ক্যান্টিনে বসে achen। অনেক খোঁজাখুঁজি করল কিন্তু pelo না কোথাও।
Sir he is sitting in the canteen, was searching but didn't find you anywhere
02/07/2024, 13:43 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: স্যার ওপিডি গিয়েchilo uni, ওপিডি ওখানে dekhlo কেউ নেই।
Sir he went to OPD but nobody was there
02/07/2024, 14:12 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: ICU te chole ashun.Ami ekhane achi
Come to the ICU, I'm here
02/07/2024, 14:13 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: স্যার এখানে কোন দিকে
Sir in which direction
02/07/2024, 14:17 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: স্যার আইসির সামনে দাঁড়িয়ে
Sir he is standing infront of the ICU
02/07/2024, 14:20 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Thik ache. Ami aashchi
02/07/2024, 16:24 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR @paJRmember 6 @pajrmember 7 Is this long distance patient admitted?
Make his levetiracitam 1/2 twice a day and continue his clonazepam and ask him to take it one hour before dinner
Schedule him for an upper GI and lower GI endoscopy in khl tomorrow and prepare his bowel and arrange his ambulance. If required @Pajr_member can coordinate the logistics with patient_advocate_1 or @patient_advocate_2 Admin although it's something that is often done routinely. Find out the costs and ask the patient if they can afford it
02/07/2024, 16:34 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: Okay sir
02/07/2024, 16:46 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: স্যার বলছিলাম যে এখানে এডমিট হলে কতদিন থাকতে লাগবে বললে ভাল হত।
Sir , how many days they have to stay here? Any idea?
02/07/2024, 16:53 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : Apnar endoscopy ta kalker modhye hoye gele aro ek du din boro jore
If the endoscopy is done in the morning, it will take another 2-3 days to get the report.
02/07/2024, 17:09 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: ok
02/07/2024, 18:36 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : Also get his ultrasound, hemogram, lft, rft, urine cue, chest X-ray and abdominal x-ray
02/07/2024, 18:37 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: Ok sir
02/07/2024, 19:59 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : Also a note for the gastro tomorrow:
His upper GI endoscopy is for his recent Dyspepsia
His lower GI endoscopy is for his hematochezia
Also get his PR proctoscopy done by the surgeons today and let me know
02/07/2024, 20:04 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : Actually better than proctoscopy is to ask the patient to take a mobile phone image of his anal verge after squatting as demonstrated by one of our innovative patients here 👇
02/07/2024, 21:30 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: স্যার পানি খাওয়ার পরে পেট এখন খুব ব্যাথা করতেছে
Sir after drinking water the stomach pain has started too much
02/07/2024, 22:07 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : @pajr_member please ask them to also monitor his intake output strictly
02/07/2024, 22:15 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: Okay sir
02/07/2024, 22:15 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: He is not eating anything sir as he is having pain
02/07/2024, 22:16 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: Even on fluid intake he is having pain
02/07/2024, 22:16 - Pushed Communicator 1N22:
02/07/2024, 22:17 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: Sir he is having a bit problem with money
Will discuss with his father and brothers tomorrow
Will send all the blood investigations today
and plan for khl visit on Thursday
02/07/2024, 22:20 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : Yes share his creatinine
Monitor intake output chart
02/07/2024, 22:40 - Pushed Communicator 1N22:
02/07/2024, 22:40 - Pushed Communicator 1N22:
02/07/2024, 22:44 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : His mild anemia is likely due to blood loss from his hemorrhoids
Could you get him to click his anal verge by squatting and aiming his mobile phone at the anal verge as demonstrated here?👇
02/07/2024, 22:55 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: Sir Upper and lower GI endoscopy will cost nearly 9-10K
02/07/2024, 22:59 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Alright if they are unable to afford let's wait till Friday upper GI and get the procto photo asap
02/07/2024, 23:00 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Also ask him to share a mobile image of his early morning stools tomorrow here
02/07/2024, 23:04 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: Okay sir
03/07/2024, 07:13 - Pushed Communicator 1N22:
03/07/2024, 07:13 - Pushed Communicator 1N22:
3/07/2024, 07:13 - Pushed Communicator 1N22:
3/07/2024, 07:29 - Pushed Communicator 1N22:
03/07/2024, 09:30 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Good 👏
Was the patient able to click his anal verge by squatting and aiming his mobile phone at the anal verge as demonstrated in the case report link above?
Also did you ask him to share a mobile image of his early morning stools tomorrow here?
03/07/2024, 09:33 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: @PAJR MEMBER আপনি কি আপনার রোগীর সকালের মলের একটি মোবাইল ফোনের ছবি শেয়ার করতে পারেন যা সে আজ করেছে?
Can you share a picture of your patient's stool from this morning on mobile, which they did today?
03/07/2024, 09:37 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: @PAJR MEMBER আপনার রোগীর রক্তক্ষরণ তার পাইলস এবং ফিসারের কারণে হয়েছে বলে মনে হচ্ছে
আপনি কি তাকে তার পায়ুপথে ক্লিক করতে বলতে পারেন প্রথমে মল ত্যাগ করার মতো বসে বসে এবং তারপরে মলদ্বার খোলার সময় তার মোবাইল ফোনটি লক্ষ্য করে এবং এখানে প্রদর্শিত একটি ছবি পেতে?👇
It seems that your patient's bleeding is due to their piles and fissures.
Can you ask them to take a picture of their anus with their mobile phone after defecation, and then show the image here?"
This text appears to be a request for a patient to take a photo of their stool or anus after a bowel movement, likely for medical examination or diagnosis purposes.
By meta AI
Your patient's blood loss appears to be due to his piles and fissure
Could you ask him to click his anal opening by first squatting as in passing stools and then aiming his mobile phone at the anal opening and obtaining a picture as demonstrated here?👇
03/07/2024, 09:45 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine:onar তো পায়খানার চাপই পাচ্ছে না ।
He is not getting any pressure in my rectum.
03/07/2024, 10:04 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine:
03/07/2024, 10:04 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine:
03/07/2024, 10:04 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: <Media omitted>
03/07/2024, 10:04 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: <Media omitted>
03/07/2024, 10:04 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine:
03/07/2024, 10:04 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine:
03/07/2024, 10:05 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: স্যার এখনই বাথরুম থেকে আসলো।
ব্লাড আসছে বিরাট আসার পরে এখন জ্বালা করতেছে।
ব্যাথা করতেছে।
Sir he just came from bathroom, blood came a lot and too much paining
03/07/2024, 10:13 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Ok, have seen. Nothing to worry
03/07/2024, 14:12 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: @pajrmember Prescribe an ointment like anobliss for his anal pain and also get his eeg today afternoon before we can stop his levetiracitam altogether
Aldd tablet amitriptyline 25mg one hour before dinner from today
He can meet me outside ICU between 2-4 today
03/07/2024, 14:14 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: Prescribed anobliss sir
Will try to get EEG done today sir
03/07/2024, 14:49 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: null
03/07/2024, 14:50 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine:
03/07/2024, 14:50 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: ওষুধ গুলো কিভাবে ব্যবহার korbe সকাল বেলা নিয়ে eseche এখনো কিছু বলেনি।
কেউ কিছু বলতেই পারতেছে না।
How to use these medicines,
he has bought it in the morning.no body can say
03/07/2024, 15:38 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : Lal molom ta paikhanar dware lagaben byathar jonye
Injection ta mone hoina dorkar habe. Ota ferot dewa jete pare
The red ointment can be used in the rectum area
The injection may not be needed, it can be returned
03/07/2024, 15:38 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: @PAJR_MEMBER1 return the iv pantoprazole. It's not necessary
03/07/2024, 15:38 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Aajke khete perechen apnar patient?
Has your patient eaten today?
03/07/2024, 16:23 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: আজকে শুধু স্লাস kheyeche
সেরকম একটা অসুবিধা হয়নি।
কিন্তু বেশি একটা খেতে ইচ্ছে করে না এখনো।
খিদেটা এখনো নেই বললেই চলে, শুধু দুইটা পিস kheyeche।
Today he had eaten 2 slices , today he got no pain, but don't feel like much eating ,
Just ate 2 pieces
03/07/2024, 16:25 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: লাল মলমটা দিনে কবার lagabe
How many times the red ointment has to use
03/07/2024, 16:26 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine:
03/07/2024, 16:27 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: এটা কখন khabe?
খাওয়ার আগে না পরে ?
দিনে কবার ?
When to take this , after or before eating?
03/07/2024, 16:52 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : Ekbar khawar aage
One time before eating
03/07/2024, 16:53 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Aager oshudh guno bondho kore dile aaste aaste khide feere paben asha korchi
If he stop taking the previous medicines , hopefully he will feels like eating normally, and will get hunger slowly
03/07/2024, 16:54 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: লাল মলমটা দিনে কবার lagabe ?
How many times the red ointment has to use?
03/07/2024, 16:54 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Byatha hole lagaben
Paikhanar aage pore
Whenever he feels pain , after or before stool
03/07/2024, 16:55 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: ব্যথা তো পায়খানা হলেই হয়।
ব্লাড পড়ে ব্লাড পড়লে প্রচন্ড ব্যাথা হয় ।
আজকে ব্লাড পড়ছিল ফটো তো pathano ache।
The pain starts while stool, blood comes , today also blood came, picture already sent
03/07/2024, 16:57 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: আগের ওষুধ গুলো তো সব বন্ধ করে dieche
Previous medicines all stopped
03/07/2024, 17:55 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: Ok sir
03/07/2024, 17:56 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: Will return sir
They might have brought it seeing the surgeons note
03/07/2024, 18:19 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: স্যার আজকে ভাত খাওয়া যাবে কি
Sir, will he eat rice today
03/07/2024, 18:29 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Hain oboshyoi
Yes , of course
03/07/2024, 18:30 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Also start him on tablet tryptomer 10 mg one hour before dinner from tonight
03/07/2024, 18:31 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Paikhanar aage lagiye neben
Tarpor jodi paikhanar por byatha hoi tokhon abar lagiye neben
Here's a translation of the text by META AI :
"If the rectal pain subsides, and then if the pain returns after defecation, apply the ointment again."
03/07/2024, 18:34 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: Ok sir
Returned pantop
Asked him to get tryptomer
03/07/2024, 19:39 - Pushed Communicator 1N22:
03/07/2024, 21:24 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: স্যার আজকে তো একটু ভাত খাইলাম।
কয়দিনের মতন পেট ব্যথা আজকে করিনি।
হালকা একটু পড়ছে কিন্তু বেশি করেনি।
এখন খাই তো মোটামুটি ইচ্ছা করতেছে।
Sir today I ate rice , the stomach pain has reduced from before, and feels like eating more or less
03/07/2024, 21:45 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: স্যার এখন পেটটা একটু ব্যাথা ভালোই করতেছে
Sir now the stomach is paining
03/07/2024, 21:47 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: স্যার এখন প্রচুর ব্যাথা করতেছে।
Sir it's hurting a lot right now
03/07/2024, 21:51 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : @PAJR_MEMBER ask @PAJR_MEMBER and or @PAJR_MEMBER or whoever is on ward duty to examine his abdomen while it's paining now
03/07/2024, 21:52 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: Okay sir
Ward sister called just now
He had rice it seems sir after which his pain aggregated
03/07/2024, 21:53 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: Tryptomer is not available sir
03/07/2024, 21:55 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : Any amitriptyline preparation can be taken
03/07/2024, 21:57 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : His abdomen needs to be examined and palpated to rule out inflammatory causes of abdominal pain
Non inflammatory medical causes of abdominal pain can include porphyria or even lead poisoning
03/07/2024, 21:59 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: Okay sir
04/07/2024, 12:45 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: স্যার কালকে ভাত খাওয়াতে তো পেট ব্যাথা করেছিল।
তো আজকে কি ভাত KHABE ?
Sir stomach pain had started after eating rice yesterday, will he eat rice today
04/07/2024, 12:49 - Pushed Communicator 1N22:
04/07/2024, 12:52 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: স্যার আজকে খিদেও পাচ্ছে প্রচুর
Sir today he is feeling hungry too much
04/07/2024, 12:56 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : Let's take the EEG again while he has the abdominal pain to rule out abdominal epilepsy
04/07/2024, 12:57 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Hain oboshyoi khaben
Jaate amra bujhte paari byatha ta keno hocche
Aebar jodi dupurer khawar por abar kore tahole oi somoi dupure abar gotokaaler EEG test ta kore dekhbo
Yes of course, as we know why the pain is occurring,
If it started painning after taking lunch, then again we will do the yesterday's EEG TEST
04/07/2024, 12:58 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Let him have good amount of rice at lunch as that appears to be precipitating his pain and let's repeat the EEG during the pain
04/07/2024, 12:58 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: Okay sir
04/07/2024, 13:02 - Pushed
04/07/2024, 14:30 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: স্যার ভাত তো khelo
কদিনের মতো ব্যথা আজকে করতেছে না।
হালকা একটু করতেছে।
Sir he has taken rice , it's not paining like other days, just a little
04/07/2024, 14:30 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: আজকে বেশি ভাত খাইনি অল্প kheyeche
Today he has taken Little rice
04/07/2024, 14:31 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: খিদে এখনো আছে।
পেট ভরে খাই নাই আজকে।
He is hungry, has not eaten fully
04/07/2024, 14:32 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: কিছুক্ষণ পরে আরো ভাত খাওয়া যাবে ?
একটু ভাত আর সবজি rekheche পরে খাওয়ার জন্য।
Can he take rice after some time,? Has restored some ruti and sabzi to eat later
04/07/2024, 14:40 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : Hain oboshyoi
04/07/2024, 14:49 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: ঠিক আছে।
04/07/2024, 14:49 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: এখন আর পেট ব্যাথা নেই।
05/07/2024, 12:47 - Pushed Communicator 1N22:
05/07/2024, 12:57 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Have you showed his EEG to the neurologist?
Who reported the EEG?
05/07/2024, 13:13 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: Neurologist reported it sir
05/07/2024, 13:23 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: স্যার ইনডোসকপি তো হল এখন কি খাওয়া যাবে? আর একটা কি বাকি আছে বলল ওটা চারটার পরে হবে। খিদে লাগছে তো
Sir, endoscopy has done , can he eat now? One more thing is due , it'll have done after 4'o clock . He is hungry
05/07/2024, 14:08 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Ask him if this fits into abdominal migraine
Share literature around abdominal migraine here first
05/07/2024, 14:08 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Ki baki ache?
What is left now?
05/07/2024, 14:41 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: পায়খানা করার পর রক্ত আসে সেইটার জন্য কী পরীক্ষা করে সেটা বাকি আছে।
Blood comes after stool , that is left
05/07/2024, 16:10 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine:
05/07/2024, 16:21 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Khete paren
05/07/2024, 18:36 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: স্যার ইন্ডোসকপি করার পর থেকে মাথাটা ব্যাথা করতেছে।
যত রাত হচ্ছে ততও ব্যথাটা বেশি হচ্ছে। <This message was edited>
Sir , after Endoscopy test he got , headache As the night goes on, the pain increases
05/07/2024, 19:13 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: স্যার মাথাটা ব্যাথা করতেছে স্যার
Sir my head is aching
PAJR PHR MODERATOR: @PAJR_MEMBER @PAJR_MEMBER Please start him now on tablet P650 6 hourly till tomorrow
Ensure that he's getting tablet amitriptyline 10mg one hour before dinner now
05/07/2024, 19:22 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: Okay sir
05/07/2024, 19:24 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: onar মাথাব্যথার জন্য, আমি আমাদের কর্তব্যরত ডাক্তারদের জানিয়েছি যে আপনি আগামীকাল পর্যন্ত প্রতি 6 ঘন্টা পর পর ট্যাবলেট প্যারাসিটামল 650 মিলিগ্রাম এবং আজ রাতের খাবারের এক ঘন্টা আগে ট্যাবলেট অ্যামিট্রিপটাইলাইন 10 মিলিগ্রাম যত তাড়াতাড়ি সম্ভব খাওয়া শুরু করুন।
For his headache I've told the doctors who are on duty to give PARACETAMOL 650 mg after 6 hours and try to take Amitriptyline 10 mg before 1 hour of dinner as soon as possible
05/07/2024, 19:24 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : Reviewed literature on abdominal migraine?
05/07/2024, 19:25 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Did you talk with him regarding this patient's diagnosis? Ask him to write a note on the file and share it with me
05/07/2024, 19:56 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: স্যার মাথা ব্যথা টা অটোমেটিক কমে গেল।
Sir the headache has stopped automatically
05/07/2024, 19:57 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: এখন ভালো লাগছে
He is feeling better now
05/07/2024, 19:58 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: ইন্ডাস কপি করার সময় বমি korechilo তাই মনে হয় মাথা ব্যথা করছিল।
এখন আর নেই
He vomitted while the endoscopy test, may be that's why the headache started, now the headache has stopped
05/07/2024, 20:19 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: <Media omitted>
05/07/2024, 20:20 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: স্যার এটা ki anbe? ।
কখন খেতে হবে।
Sir will he bring it? When to take ?
05/07/2024, 20:46 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: Abdominal migraines (AM) are unprovoked episodes of central abdominal pain associated with migraine symptoms such as sensory hypersensitivities to light and sound, vomiting, nausea, acute headaches, and general pallor.
While common in children, AM is considered a rare diagnosis in adults.
Associated with childhood migraines.
Associated with decreased GI motility.
Symptoms resolved with sumatriptan. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10118217/ <This message was edited>
05/07/2024, 20:56 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: <Media omitted>
05/07/2024, 20:57 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Shudhu khub beshi byatha hole
If there is too much pain
05/07/2024, 20:58 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : Although rare this diagnosis fits the patient here like a glove?
05/07/2024, 20:59 - You changed the group name from "28M Progressive abdominal distension 1 month WB PaJR" to "28M Abdominal migraine, piles, past bronchial asthma WB PaJR"
05/07/2024, 21:00 - You changed the group name from "28M Abdominal migraine, piles, past bronchial asthma WB PaJR" to "28M Abdominal migraine 1 month, Headache 2 years, piles, past bronchial asthma WB PaJR"
06/07/2024, 07:54 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: স্যার আজকে তো পুরোপুরি সুস্থ লাগতেছে।
কোন অসুবিধা লাগতেছে না আজকে খুব ভালো লাগতেছে শরীরটা।
Sir today he feels totally fine, he is not facing any problem, feeling much better
06/07/2024, 09:53 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : Thik ache. Kichu din khawa dawa normal korun. Dekha jak abar kono asubidhe hoi kina
Ok , eat normally for somedays, let's see if he faces any problem
06/07/2024, 09:54 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: Ok
06/07/2024, 13:01 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: <Media omitted>
06/07/2024, 13:01 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: ওষুধ গুলো তো pelo না এখানে স্যার।
He didn't find the medicine here
06/07/2024, 13:02 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: আজকে আর আমার কোন রকম অসুবিধা নাই একদম ।
Today there is no problem
06/07/2024, 13:48 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: এই ওষুধগুলো পড়ে কিনে খেলে কি অসুবিধা হবে ?
এই ওষুধগুলো kinbe কিনা ?
If he buys these medicines later will there be any problem ?
Will he buy these medicines?
06/07/2024, 20:30 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: <Media omitted>
06/07/2024, 20:56 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : Aei oshudh guno ami likhini. Aager daktar likhechilo.
Aeguno bondho kore goto kal jeta likhechilam sheta khete paren
I didn't recommend these medicines, the previous doctor recommended, you can stop taking this medicines and take what I have written
06/07/2024, 20:57 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : Eta apni aageo khacchilen. Eta hothath bondho korte chaini bole eta apatoto raate ekbar nite paren
You were taking it before, I didn't want to stop it suddenly , can take one doze at night
06/07/2024, 20:57 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Khawar pore
Dine ekta dim khete paren
After eating, he can take an egg per day
06/07/2024, 20:59 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : He's not getting tablet amitriptyline 10mg one hour before dinner?
06/07/2024, 21:01 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: I told the sister to give it daily sir
Will confirm sir
07/07/2024, 00:31 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: <Media omitted>
07/07/2024, 00:32 - Patient Advocate 27M Abdominal Migraine: Which time given tablet sir
07/07/2024, 07:31 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR: Raate khawar ek ghonta aage
Eta roj noi. Shudhu jedin matha byatha hobE
Rojkar jonye onyo tablet amitriptyline 10mg raate khawar aage nite bolechilam
@PAJR_MEMBER hasn't he still gotten his amitriptyline?
Before one hour of taking dinner, this is not for everyday, just he has to take whenever he feels headache, for everyday already told to take AMITRIPTYLINE 10 mg before eating dinner
07/07/2024, 09:10 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: <Media omitted>
07/07/2024, 09:10 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: Sir he is taking amitriptykine daily at night sir
07/07/2024, 09:30 - PAJR PHR MODERATOR : Good
Tell him clonazepam is only for stress headache days
07/07/2024, 09:33 - Pushed Communicator 1N22: Okay sir
07/07/2024, 09:51 - Patient advocate 23F Weight Gain joined using this group's invite link
[7/7, 1:18 PM] Patient Advocate : কালকেও পায়না korechilo রক্ত আসেনি ।স্যার আজকে পায়খানা korechilo কিন্তু কোন রক্ত বেরোয়নি।
ব্যাথা হালকা একটু করেছিল বেশি না ।
তাই ফটো tole ni ।
Here's a translation of the text by @META_AI
Yesterday, I had stool but no blood came out. Sir, today he had a bowel movement but there was no blood.
The pain was mild , not severe, that's why he didn't take photo."
[7/7, 1:23 PM] PaJR PHR Moderator: Thik ache . Bhalo bhabe khele paikhana shob somoi bhalo habe
Ekhane dekha jay ki bhabe khawa uchit 👇
If he maintains good food habits, always stool will pass normally
Here is the written how to maintain good food habit ☝🏻
[7/7, 3:41 PM] patient advocate : স্যার আজকে এখন টয়লেটে giyechilo একটু পায়খানা টাইট হয়েছিল।ব্লাড আসেনি কিন্তু হালকা ব্যথা করতেছে এখন
Here's a translation of the text by META AI:
Sir, he went to the toilet just now and passed a small amount of stool, which was tinged with mucus. There was no blood, but he is experiencing mild pain right now.
[7/7, 5:36 PM] Patient advocate 2: স্যার বলছিলাম onar হাতে স্যালাইনের যে সূচটা লাগানো আছে। সেটা কি এখন খোলা যাবে ?হাতটা ব্যাথা করতেছে ওই জায়গায়। খুললে ভালো হতো।
Here's a translation of the text:
Sir, he was saying that the saline needle inserted in his hand is still there. Can it be removed now? The hand is painful at that spot. It would be better if it's removed.
[7/7, 5:40 PM] PaJR PHR Moderator: Hain
Sister ke janiye khule nin
Yes , after telling the Sister open it
[7/7, 5:40 PM] +91 patient advocate : সিস্টাররা বলছে যদি আরো কোন ইনজেকশন লাগে তাই তারা খুলছে না। সেজন্য আমি বললাম
Sister is saying if other injection needed that's why they are not opening, and that's why he is asking
[7/7, 5:41 PM] PaJR PHR Moderator: @pajr_member who's on duty?
Please ask them to prescribe him liquid paraffin to be taken tid from today. Also ask the current ward staff to remove his cannula asap
[7/7, 7:36 PM] Pajr_member: @Pajr_member is on duty sir
[7/7, 7:36 PM] +91 PAJR_MEMBER: Informed her sir
Patient advocate: